
We are independent lawyers in cooperation and members of the Vienna Bar Association. Our professional practice is subject to the Lawyers’ Act (RAO, EuRAG), the Guidelines for the Practice of Law, the Guidelines for the Supervision of the Duties of Lawyers, the Guidelines for the Training of Trainee Lawyers (RL-BA)

as well as the Disciplinary Statute of Lawyers and Trainee Lawyers (DSt). More detailed information on the (legal) regulations of the professional law, the disciplinary law and the bar associations can be found on the website of the Austrian Bar Association (

For the content of KATEHA.AT - Cooperation of independent lawyers - responsible:

RA Michael Kuen

A Rotenturmstraße 13, 1010 Wien
P +43 1 535 00 26

UID number: ATU 6276 9105
ADVM R157397

Bank details
Fee IBAN AT53 1630 0001 3019 5369
Third party money custody IBAN AT31 1630 0001 3019 5377
Bank for Tyrol and Vorarlberg, BIC BTVAAT22,
made out to Mag. Michael Kuen

RA Leo Thun-Hohenstein

A Rotenturmstraße 13, 1010 Wien
P +43 1 535 15 15

UID number: ATU 6276 9105
ADVM R157397

Bank details
Fee IBAN AT53 1630 0001 3019 5369
Third party money custody IBAN AT31 1630 0001 3019 5377
Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg, BIC BTVAAT22,
lautend auf Mag. Michael Kuen